Mosquitoes: The Risk

July 26, 2024

It’s that time of year! The sun is shining, temperatures are warm and the mosquitoes are swarming. 

It’s common to encounter mosquitoes as you enjoy your summer activities, but they can be a nuisance — and a health risk.

When you are bitten by a mosquito, the mosquito is essentially piercing your skin and drinking your blood. It leaves its saliva in your bloodstream, and this causes the reaction that we know as a mosquito bite. You can develop small raised bumps on your skin, and they can itch!

Mosquito bites can also spread diseases, such as West Nile virus — a virus that is often detected in Connecticut. 

Connecticut has a Mosquito Management Program, and that program recently reported that mosquitoes in Connecticut are already testing positive for the West Nile virus this summer. A medical entomologist told The Hartford Courant that this is one of the earlier detections of the virus recorded during the last 25 years.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control, most people that have West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms. However, some people will develop a fever along with other symptoms, such as a headache, body aches, joint pain and vomiting. They may also experience diarrhea or a rash.

While the virus may impact the central nervous systems in a few people, causing encephalitis or meningitis, the majority of people recover completely. It, however, is worth noting that fatigue and weakness can last for weeks or months. 

If you think you may have West Nile virus, it is important to see your health care provider. The virus can be diagnosed based on signs and symptoms, instances of possible exposure or lab tests. 

To find a primary care provider at Middlesex Health, click here.

To reduce your chances of getting bitten by a mosquito, consider applying EPA-certified insect repellent when you venture outdoors, especially in damp or wooded areas. You may also want to wear long-sleeve shirts and pants and socks.

“While mosquitos are part of our life, we should do what we can to avoid being bitten by them,” says Dr. Michael Spada, a provider with Middlesex Health Primary Care - Middletown. “And while you shouldn’t spend your days worrying about getting West Nile virus, you should be aware of the signs and symptoms and get help if you need it.”

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Michael Spada, MD

Michael Spada, MD

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