Shake Off Cancer

October 9, 2019
Boost, Ensure, Orgain, and Carnation Breakfast Essentials for cancer patients.

Good nutrition is important for everyone, but especially for those battling cancer. Cancer patients sometimes have a difficult time maintaining a balanced diet and healthy weight for several reasons, including medication side effects. To help, nutrition supplements may be recommended.

Middlesex Health Cancer Center is proud to receive a $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Middlesex County to help fund the Shake Off Cancer Program. This grant is made possible, in part, through the Barbara Weeks Hart and George H. Hart Memorial Fund, and it will allow Middlesex to purchase nutritional supplements, such as Boost or Ensure, for about 50 cancer patients who can’t afford to purchase the supplements on their own.

Dietitians at the Cancer Center identify patients who need these supplements but can’t afford them. 

Learn More

Click here to learn more about nutrition services available at the Cancer Center.

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