The TIF Procedure


What is the TIF® Procedure?

The TIF® Procedure is also a type of fundoplication—but it doesn't require any incisions. The EsophyX® device, which was specially designed for this surgery, is used to reconstruct the anatomy of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) so that your body once again has the natural ability to prevent reflux. 

What does TIF stand for?

TIF stands for Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication: 

  • Transoral: All of the tools used in this procedure are gently inserted through the mouth.
  • Incisionless: A transoral approach means no incisions in the abdomen—and no scars.
  • Fundoplication: Fundoplication is the rebuilding of the lower esophageal sphincter using the upper part of the stomach—just like in a Nissen or Toupet fundoplication.

Is it hard to recover from this procedure?

Most patients recover from the TIF® procedure more quickly than conventional surgery because there are no incisions that need to heal. In fact, many patients are back to work and normal activities in just a few days. 

The TIF® procedure has an excellent safety record, but it is still surgery. It is important to remember that all procedures have some risk and may lead to complications. For example, some patients experience sore throat, discomfort, and difficulty swallowing after the TIF® procedure. Your doctor will discuss the possible side effects of the procedure with you.

How effective is the TIF® procedure?

According to studies by EndoGastric Solutions, 85% of patients who have had the TIF® procedure had relief from all GERD symptoms.

Note: This procedure is not appropriate for patients with a significant hiatal hernia.