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March 2021
March 23, 2021

Tackling Your Weight Loss Goals

For many people, changing their eating habits, modifying their behavior and participating in physical activity is the best approach when trying to lose weight. However, sometimes, weight loss surgery needs to be part of the solution.

March 12, 2021

Keeping Up With Your Care

Do not hesitate to keep, or make, your appointment for your preventative health visit.

March 8, 2021

What's Your Blood Type?

You are born with a specific blood type, and you can’t change it. However, it is worth knowing what your blood type is and how it can impact your life.

January 2021
January 26, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccines: What You Need to Know

With COVID-19 vaccines now available, you may have many questions. Are the vaccines safe? How and when can you get vaccinated? Once you get a vaccine, do you still have to wear a mask?

January 12, 2021

Lifestyle Medicine: A Unique Approach to Health Care

Middlesex Health is proud to offer a unique Lifestyle Medicine Program that is designed to help individuals address their risk for chronic conditions like diabetes, obesity, prediabetes and high blood pressure through diet, exercise, stress management and social connectivity.

January 11, 2021

Addressing the Potential Impact of the Pandemic on Children

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all—adults and children alike—in so many ways, and everyone deals with these challenges differently.

December 2020
December 22, 2020

COVID-19 and the Holidays: 5 Things You Can Do to Mentally Prepare for the Long Winter Ahead

The holiday season can be a challenging time for some people, and COVID-19 is exacerbating feelings of isolation and loneliness. Here are five things you can do to get ready for the long winter ahead.

December 10, 2020

Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is about more than the inconvenience of waking up in the middle of the night—it can result in serious side effects. Fortunately, sleep apnea is treatable, and there are now more choices when it comes to treatments and therapies.

December 7, 2020

Stay Connected

During the busy holiday season, staying connected with the aging adults in your life can be a challenge, even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, there are many ways you can help them feel less alone and more connected this winter.

November 2020
November 23, 2020

Middlesex Health Helps Prostate Cancer Patients

There are 180,000 new cases of prostate cancer in the United States each year, and many Connecticut residents turn to Middlesex Health for care—from screening through survivorship.

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