Middlesex-CSGA Relationship Will Continue to Grow in 2022

December 16, 2021
Happy New Year

Around the world, more than 60 million people are playing golf, and that number continues to rise.

As a member of the Connecticut State Golf Association, you are one of many people who are taking advantage of golf’s physical and mental health benefits, and you work hard to stay healthy and well, while also improving your golf game. As you strive to do better, that’s where Middlesex Health can help.

In addition to caring for its patients, the health system proudly joined forces with the Connecticut State Golf Association in 2021, becoming the association’s official health care provider. Middlesex is a resource as you sharpen your skills, better your performance and battle any injuries or illnesses.

This is a relationship that has started off strong and will continue to grow. Middlesex had a strong presence at Connecticut State Golf Association tournaments throughout the 2021 season and has provided bimonthly content for the association’s newsletter, offering health and wellness information that is meant to help YOU become a better, stronger and healthier golfer.

Throughout 2021, Middlesex Health offered advice on how to improve strength and flexibility; shared tips on how to make it through allergy season; addressed the dangers of cigar smoking and sun exposure; helped you better understand injuries that are common in golfers and so much more. To access a comprehensive archive of health and wellness information from Middlesex Health, click here.

Middlesex Health is proud to continue its relationship with the Connecticut State Golf Association in 2022, and like you, it is anxiously awaiting the start of the golf season. The health system will kick off 2022 with a very special announcement. Stay tuned! It is also sponsoring, and will have a booth at, the Connecticut Golf Show, which will take place February 18, February 19 and February 20 at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford. Mark your calendars!

As the official health care provider for the Connecticut State Golf Association, Middlesex Health’s goal is to support Connecticut residents of all ages and abilities as they enjoy the health benefits of golf, and that means that they will do all that they can to support YOU in 2022.

Happy new year!

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