Professional Development

As an organization, Middlesex Health understands the importance of ensuring our nurses keep up with the latest developments in healthcare. 

Prof dev

The Middlesex Health Center for Professional Development offers a variety of live and web-based training opportunities so that our nurses can not only fulfill their CE hour requirements but can also deliver the highest level of care. 

If you are a current Middlesex Health employee, you can learn more about Professional development opportunities by visiting the intranet or contacting the Center for Professional Development at 860-358-6480.

Continuing Education

Continuing Edu

Middlesex Health offers several tuition reimbursement programs, a medical staff scholarship fund, and discounted tuition at serval local institutions. In addition, Middlesex Health covers the cost of some certification exams and has review books available to borrow for free. 

If you are a current Middlesex Health Employee, you can learn more about all of these programs on the intranet.



The Middlesex Health Mentorship program pairs an experienced RN who is willing to share their knowledge, skills, and expertise with an energized RN who is open and willing to learn and grow in their role. 

A mentor can help you grow both personally and professionally. For example, a mentor may help you obtain a new certification or improve your work-life balance. 

If you are a current Middlesex Health employee, you can learn more about the Middlesex Health mentorship program on the intranet.